In a recent CNBC segment, Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney and West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin made it clear that they have no plans to cut benefits for current or near retirees. This statement comes in the wake of a televised debate among Republican presidential candidates where the future of Social Security was discussed at length.

Romney emphasized that both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, who is considered a frontrunner in the 2024 Republican primary, have stated their commitment to protecting entitlements. He acknowledged that not everything is up for negotiation, as promises made will be kept.

At the forefront of addressing the country's debt and fiscal health, Romney and Manchin have introduced the Fiscal Stability Act. This legislation aims to establish a commission tasked with finding legislative solutions to stabilize and reduce the national debt, which currently stands at over $33.6 trillion, double what it was just a decade ago. The proposal has gained bipartisan support, with eight cosponsors across political parties. It serves as a "companion" to the House's Fiscal Commission Act, reinforcing the need for cooperation across the aisle.

The issue of debt has also caught the attention of Louisiana Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has joined the chorus calling for a debt commission.

As the discussion surrounding Social Security continues, it is evident that there is a commitment to preserving benefits for retirees and those nearing retirement. The proposed Fiscal Stability Act represents a bipartisan effort to address the nation's debt and secure a stable future for all Americans.

The Debate Surrounding the Commission on Entitlement Programs

The suggestion of establishing a commission to oversee entitlement programs has sparked controversy, with critics claiming that it will inevitably result in cuts to these programs. Numerous organizations, such as the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, Social Security Works, Alliance for Retired Americans, Campaign for America’s Future, and the American Federation of Teachers, have voiced their opposition to the proposal, arguing that subjecting the program to the scrutiny of a "closed-door commission" is unnecessary.

On the other hand, proponents of the commission argue that it would safeguard programs like Social Security and Medicare by focusing on government spending. Senator Romney, one of the senators supporting the proposal, stated that "there will be no changes to the entitlement program for our seniors." Instead, he believes that attention should be given to how the program will serve younger Americans when they reach retirement age. He suggested potential adjustments, such as linking individual life expectancy to claiming options, or considering the use of stock-market returns to assist in funding the program.

During a Republican presidential candidates' debate, various ideas were put forth to address Social Security's solvency issue, with one proposal being the raising of the retirement age. Senator Romney expressed his belief that many viable solutions exist, which would not necessitate altering entitlement programs for retirees.

In conclusion, the concept of establishing a commission for entitlement programs has stirred up strong reactions from both critics and proponents. The debate revolves around striking a balance between protecting these programs and addressing their sustainability concerns for future generations.

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